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Lesson 1 - Who are Petgood?

About Petgood
Pet Food School

Karin Lundgren

Licensed Veterinary Nurse

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Petgood was founded when our CEO Pernilla welcomed her beloved Labrador, Siri, into the family. Pernilla was searching for a feed that was both nutritious, healthy, and sustainable, but couldn't find anything on the market that met her expectations.

Together with our lead veterinarian, Nicky Sluczanowski, the solution was born - insect protein.

At Petgood, we solely focus on insect-based and sustainable products in our range. Our first product was an insect-based complete feed for dogs, something we were the first in the Nordic region to launch. Since then, the range has grown and now includes both dogs and cats. All our products are developed with nutrition and health as the top priority, and sustainability as a bonus.

Today, thousands of dogs and cats are enjoying Petgood. Together, we're making a real difference.