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Pet Owners Report Improvement in all Allergy Symptoms After Switching to Insect-Based Diet


Dr Nicky Sluczanowski

Lead vet & Head of Product Development – Veterinary Team

I am a small animal veterinarian with over 14 years of professional experience in my home country of Australia.

Meet the team

In the spring of 2024, Petgood collaborated with Ellinor Hammarberg, a student in the Animal and Sustainability program at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU). For her thesis, Ellinor conducted a survey to investigate how dog owners perceived their dogs' symptoms after switching to an insect-based diet. The results were overwhelmingly positive, with a large majority observing an improvement in their dogs' symptoms.

Below is a summary provided by Petgood’s lead veterinarian, Dr. Nicky Sluczanowski. A link to the full report in SLU’s database is available at the end of the article.

Study Methodology

A survey was emailed to dog owners in Petgood’s customer database, targeting those with dogs diagnosed with food allergies. The survey included questions about the dog's breed, age, and gender, as well as the duration the dog had been on an insect-based diet. Owners were asked if their dog had a diagnosed allergy and, if so, to which allergens—categorized as environmental allergies (e.g., pollen or mold), mite allergies, and/or food allergies.

Owners were asked to select which of the following clinical symptoms their dog exhibited before starting an insect-protein-based diet:

  1. Itching/skin irritation/red paws

  2. Ear infections

  3. Coat quality issues

  4. Gastrointestinal symptoms

  5. "Other symptoms" with a free-text option

Owners were then asked to indicate which of the above symptoms had decreased, increased, or remained unchanged.

Results Showed Improvement in Majority

A total of 109 pet owners responded to the survey; 33 of these had a dog diagnosed with multiple allergies (food, mites, environmental). Among these 33, 19 had only food allergies. In the group with only food allergies, 79% reported an improvement in all symptoms (itching, skin irritation, red paws, ear infections, coat issues, and gastrointestinal symptoms) after switching to an insect-based diet.

Allergy Symptom 1: Itching/Skin Irritation/Red Paws

The most commonly observed symptoms were itching, skin irritation, and red paws. In the group with multiple allergies, 29 owners reported these symptoms before switching to an insect-protein-based diet. After the diet change, 82.7% (24/29) saw an improvement in these symptoms.

In the group with only food allergies, 16 owners reported these symptoms before the diet change. After switching to the insect-based diet, 93.7% (15/16) reported a reduction or improvement in itching, skin irritation, and red paws.

Allergy Symptom 2: Gastrointestinal Symptoms

In the group with multiple allergies, 16 owners indicated their dog had gastrointestinal symptoms before switching to an insect-based diet. After the diet change, 68% (11/16) saw an improvement in gastrointestinal symptoms.

In the group with only food allergies, 9 owners reported gastrointestinal symptoms before the diet change. After switching to the insect-based diet, 88% (8/9) reported an improvement in these symptoms.

Allergy Symptom 3: Ear Infections

In the group with multiple allergies, 20 owners indicated their dog had ear infections before switching to an insect-based diet. After the diet change, 80% (16/20) saw an improvement in these symptoms.

In the group with only food allergies, 11 owners reported ear infections before the diet change. After switching to the insect-based diet, 91% (10/11) reported an improvement.


The survey aimed to gain a deeper understanding of how dog owners perceive their dogs' symptoms after switching to an insect-based diet. Among dogs with only food allergies;

  • 79% of the owners reported an improvement in all symptoms (itching/skin irritation/red paws, ear infections, coat issues, and gastrointestinal symptoms) after starting the new diet

  • 94% of owners who reported itching/skin irritation/red paws saw an improvement

  • 88% who reported gastrointestinal symptoms saw an improvement

  • 91% who reported ear infections saw an improvement

Thanks and References

We at Petgood extend our warmest thanks to Ellinor Hammarberg for her fantastic and rewarding collaboration this spring. We are both delighted and proud that so many pet owners observed an improvement in their dogs.

The full report can be read in SLU’s database: Feeding Insect Protein to Dogs with Food Allergies - from the Owner’s Perspective (Hammarberg, 2024). (Abstract in English, full text Swedish only)