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Hank Williams

Hank Williams

Allergies from an early age

Hank Williams hasn't always had it so easy. Already at an early age, the family noticed that Hank William had problems with allergies. After trying different types of allergy diets, they decided to try petgoods insect-based dog food. To the great joy of the family, Hank Williams' problems began to disappear and he regained his zest for life. Imagine what a change of food can do.

  • French bulldog

  • 6 years

  • Love to play with balls and sniff around in nature.

  • Loves to be cuddled and enjoys playing with dogs and people!

Hi, I am Hank Williams!

This is the story of my recovery from itches in my ears and an unstable stomach Early on, my family and I noticed signs that I was allergic to meat and fish. Therefore, I have been sensitive to most dogfoods. My symptoms were an upset stomach and itching between my toes and ears. Also, I had a hard time gaining weight and building muscle.

Therefore, I started testing different types of allergy food, but with varying results. When I got to test petgood, I first realised how good it was for me (!). As a result of the food, my problems gradually disappeared. My stomach felt better, my paws itched less and the itching and redness in my ears disappeared. petgood has allowed me to eat more and stay in shape

The transition to petgood was not problematic, and today, I can not wait until a refill is delivered to our home! To other allergic dogs out there, I want to say that I am super happy with petgood and it has made me happy and playful again!