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Our best tips for a pawsome summer holiday!

Facts & Tips

Written by Karin Lundgren

Licensed Veterinary Nurse

I have been working for the last 10 years doing what I love - making sure our pets, especially cats and dogs, are healthy and happy. After graduating from SLU, in 2013, I have worked in both larger animal hospitals and smaller clinics, with anaesthesia, dentistry and nutrition.

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Bring your four-legged friend on Swecation!

The best time of the year is here: balmy long summer evenings, excursions in our beautiful nature, strawberries and barbecues - we are of course talking about the Swedish summer. Sweden has many wonderful destinations to discover and in most places there are hotels and accommodations that also welcome the four-legged. Take a look at Hundvänliga Hotell to find your and the doggo's next holiday destination, and be ready for the summer together with our 3 best tips for a pawsome holiday!

Good things to keep in mind when staying with the dog in a hotel

  • Bring the dog's bed so it feels at home even if the environment is new. Pack chew bones, toys and food- and water bowls, preferably a blanket and do not forget dog shampoo if you have been away on muddy adventures.

  • Even when you book a dog-friendly hotel, always announce in advance that you will bring a dog with you and check if you need to book a special room or table in the hotel restaurant.

  • On arrival, it is good if the dog is walked and activated before entering the hotel. It is always good to train new environments before the dog stays in a hotel for the first time. Make a few café visits or spend the night at a friend's house in your hometown so the dog is used to relaxing in completely new environments.

  • If it works well to leave the dog alone in the hotel room, put out the Do Not Disturb sign so that the cleaning staff does not enter the room. Some hotels have signs that say “Dog in the room.” If the dog is not used to being alone, but becomes anxious and stressed, do not leave it in the hotel room by itself at all.

Three tips for a pawsome vacation

During the holiday, both dog and pawrent should be able to relax and enjoy one hundred percent. There may be a little more to think about in the preparations, but if you plan well, you will have a fantastic holiday stay together.

  1. Plan your destination based on your dog - Choose a destination where the dog can accompany the adventure. Find out in advance where there are dog-friendly beaches or lovely outdoor cafes where the dog can come along. Active holidays with hiking trails are pure joy for the dog. For some destinations, however, it may be wise to consider whether the dog does not prefer to stay at home with a dog sitter, if, for example, it involves a lot of time in the car and you have a dog that easily gets sick. The holiday should be a joy for both pawrent and dog!

  2. Keep it cool - Staying cool and hydrated is the key - make sure your dog has the opportunity to lie in the shade, cool off in a lake during a sweaty walk, and take a break to drink at regular intervals. Never leave the dog alone in the sun or in a hot car, even if it is only for a short time!

  3. First aid kit - Even on holiday, an accident can occur. Bring a small first aid kit so you can wash a wound, patch a paw or rinse out a sandy eye. Always have a list of telephone numbers for the nearest veterinarian close at hand, depending on where in the country you are.

Have a really pawsome summer full of adventures with your dog!

Happy summer from the team at petgood